Wonder in the Worry

First shared in 25 August 2022 Newsletter

There is truly no greater joy in my life than sitting at a cozy coffee shop journaling on a Saturday morning. My hot almond chai to my left, my Muji pen and paper in front of me, and just enough white noise to cover the thoughts in my head that are distracting me. Truly, this is such a glorious spot for me. I often find myself here when beginning new seasons and it's precisely where I find myself now. It has been a whirlwind of a few weeks with large projects coming to completion, accepting a new job, and preparing for a move to Nashville, TN (more on this at a later time).

As I begin this new chapter I can't help but ask with even more curiosity... Lord, what are you doing? But not in a demanding or suspicious tone. No, not at all. Perhaps more like when a mom chuckles seeing her little girl dancing around the house looking at her with sense of wonder, a sense of awe. As if gently unwrapping some delightful gift. That's when I remember his words to Zion, "Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth.. do you not perceive it?"

Oh but how often I do not perceive it. Whether I see it, comprehend it, or understand what is happening is besides the point. What is He doing? A new thing. A beautiful thing. Something never before seen in history.. He is creating a new heart in me. 'Create a clean heart in me oh God and renew a right spirit within me' the psalmist cries out. And that is precisely what our Lord is doing at all times, in all seasons, and in all circumstances even if my blindness cannot quite see it.

Maybe you too are beginning anew or simply desire more understanding in what the Lord is doing. Be not afraid to ask "Lord, what are you doing?" but to do so with wonder with the reminder that your Father is unequivocally in love with you seeking to bring your whole heart back home to Him, to his everlasting, eternal, and never ending love. That whatever new thing He is doing in you is glorious. We may not see the glory of a seed beneath the soil in a barren winter but it is precisely then that something new and tremendous is preparing to bear fruit.

I hope you take me up on meditating on this question this weekend and maybe have a chai in my honor while you're at it.


Verdant Pastures. Prayer Prompt: Oct 2024


You’ll Hurt Me if You Don’t Trust Me