The stories we tell matter. How we tell them even more so. I have told my story many different ways. From being a Colombian immigrant, to being a student and artist in New York City, and then to being a missionary for several years, all have had exciting chapters and vignettes to share. And yet this feels like the most important story of all: The story of His redemption in my life.

So here we are in this little corner of the internet. I have no idea how you got here or why you are here, but I cannot wait to share with you more of this story as it unfolds. It is the greatest story I could ever tell.

My biggest hope is that you too begin to see the glory of salvation woven into your own heart. Right here. Right now. Whether through the blog posts, the crewnecks, or just the little design surprises around the shop I hope you find a place of rest and hope through it all.

So excited for this new chapter and all that is to come. Thanks for coming along with me in this journey. I am so happy to have you here!!!

Be not afraid.

xx Mariana