The End of Me is the Beginning of You

LA MADONE by Herman Richir

First shared in the 24 October 2022 Newsletter

It's been nearly two months since my move to Nashville and since beginning an entirely new season of my life. The highs have been high and the lows have been low. I have found seasons of transition, no matter how good they are, to bring incredible sifting to my heart. Where am I truly rooted? What do I actually believe about God and those around me? Who do I say the Father really is? Many times I have found myself on the verge of tears in an empty chapel this season wearied from trying to act according to my own will and own strength. That is until recently when the heart of our beautiful Mother became a a new safe haven for rest.

"Let it be done to me according to thy will." Our Lady said. Not, "Okay Father, I will get it together for you." "I will clean up and shape up for the Savior to come." "I will figure out the path that I have to walk." "I will be strong and figure out on my own." "I will heal myself and all my sin for you."

Let it be done to me.. or perhaps another way to see it:

"Let it come to me."

Let Your strength come to me.

Let Your courage come to me.

Let Your wisdom come to me.

Let Your power come to me.

Let Your sovereignty come to me.

Let Your love come. to me.

One of my favorite lines in Isaiah's Song by Maverick City is this one.. "you love when I come to the end of me because it's just the beginning of you."

May we turn to our Father when we come to the end of our strength, courage, charity, wisdom, and love. This is where miracles happen - when we reach the end of all human capacity and along with Our Lady sing "Let it be done to me, according to your word."

Be not afraid.

xx Mariana


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